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Move a bill to another table
Move a bill to another table

See how easy it is to move a bill or reservation between POS, RES apps and web partner.

Updated over a week ago

In this article:


The 'Move a Bill' feature lets you move a bill directly from one table to another table in the POS app.

  • All the items in the bill will automatically move over – no need to manually add and remove items.

This will also automatically move the Reservation. The updated information will show in both the POS app, the RES apps and web partner.

Note: You cannot move the bill to a table that already has a current reservation or open bill on the table.


When a reservation moves to a different table in the POS app, it will automatically move to the new table in the RES apps or web partner after refreshing.

  • Likewise, if you move a table in the RES apps or web partner, it will update in the POS app.

Note: An open bill will stay at the table. It will not follow the reservation if the reservation is moved from RES or web partner.

It will follow the reservation when moved from the POS.

We recommend that once a table has a bill opened on it, the bill and reservation only be moved from POS, not from the RES apps or web partner. This way, the bill will also be moved.

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