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Close online bookings for a specific day or time slot
Close online bookings for a specific day or time slot

Discover how to close days and time slots for online bookings in your GXM platform.

Updated over a week ago

In this article:


1. Log into your account in Partner and go to DASHBOARD.

​2. Select the correct date from the calendar.

​3. Choose between two options:

  • To close a specific room: Click on the room name. The message "Are you sure you want to CLOSE the room for online booking?" will appear. Click OK.

  • To close the entire restaurant: Select all the rooms and close them one by one.

Note: By closing the rooms, the waiting list will still be available for online bookings. However, no confirmation will be sent out.

4. Red dots next to the rooms and tables means they are closed for online bookings.


1. From your DASHBOARD, click the menu icon in the top left corner and select SETTINGS.

  • Note: SETTINGS can only be accessed through the desktop platform.

2. Click RULES from the menu bar.

3. Click ADD RULE to create a new rule.

4. A new page will appear. Fill in the following:

  • Date(s): The Start and End dates of the closure. If you want a range of dates (example: December 10 - January 5), create two separate rules for each month.

  • Meals: Select which meals will not be offered during the selected dates.

  • Experiences: If you have experiences, select the ones you will not offer. If you have regular bookings and experiences, create two rules (one for the experience and one for regular bookings where you don't select any experiences).

  • Online Booking: Select Off.

5. Activate the rule by clicking the box next to Active – the box should be a golden colour.

6. Click SAVE. The selected days will now be closed for online reservations.


When you want to close online bookings for a specific time slot, follow the same steps as above and add times in the From and To range.

Example: Online bookings closed – all Wednesdays at 17:30

  • Weekday: Select the day.

  • From: Select the start time.

  • To: Select None.

  • Meals: Chose the meal to which this rule applies.

  • Experience: Select the experience you will not offer (or Any to include all).

  • Online Booking: Select Off.

  • Select the function Active as ON.

  • Click SAVE.

Note: To close a time slot for a specific date, follow the same steps and add the Date and Month.

Note: SETTINGS can only be accessed through the desktop platform.


The red dot shows that a specific table is closed for online bookings.

  • If a room has a red dot, it is fully booked.

  • If all rooms and tables have red dots, the whole day is considered fully booked and guests must sign up for the waiting list.

Note: Some restaurants have a specific table set up, meaning that some tables are open for specific experiences or time slots only. If you open a closed table, it will allow all reservations for all time slots and experiences. If every day has a red dot, and you're not sure how to open a table or room, contact support and let us help.

How to Reopen a day that has been closed from the DASHBOARD

When you close a day from the dashboard - It will create a rule, that turns off the room for the day.

If you want to reopen the room/day - You'll have to navigate to settings - Rules - And find the rule and delete it.

So what should you look for?
When you Close a day from the dashboard - It will create a rule that looks like this:

This rule should be deleted, if you want to reopen the room/day. Failing to do this, and reopening from the dashboard, can sadly lead to overbookings.

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