Card terminal icon in POS App is red:
Before troubleshooting, confirm the two points below:
1. Ensure the iPad and terminal are on thesame wifi-network
2. Ensure the IP address and terminal model + serial number in the POS match those on the terminal.
How to do:
IPAD: Go to the POS APP. Flip the screen to access Backoffice >
Settings > Terminal > on the right side on the top click on Adyen (Wi-FI) and
check the IP address and serial number (make sure the serial number entails
Troubleshooting Fix
1. Log into the POS backoffice on web. This can be on safari on iPad if easier, this is the URL, use your master user email and password.
2. Go to Settings -> Registers.
2.1 Select the register for the relevant cafe from the list on the left and check the box that says "this is an integrated card terminal" and hit update
3. Turn terminal on and connect to Wifi. Do this on S1E terminals: by tapping on the "+" (if first time setting up), turn WLAN on, select your network, enter the network password, hit connect. If it has already been connected to a wifi network before, hit on settings, enter password 2275 (or 1010) and select network. Hit the back arrow, a software update may then begin. Wait until this is complete before integrating with POS. Confirm the terminal is assigned to the correct shop if setting up for the first time.
You now need to enter the IP address and serial number of your card terminal.
Take your CARD TERMINAL, tap on Settings and then Device info.
IP address:
Under Wi-fi address you can see the IP address, please enter this number in
the first row and use all the dots.
Serial Number
You can find the serial number in the Device info as well.
Enter the Device name (S1E) followed by a dash (-) and then the serial
number (eg. 000150205012890) = S1E-000150205012890. Do not enter
any spaces and make sure to use the same capitalisation shown on the
terminal under device info. Then hit Save.