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How can I see all of the canceled, no-shows, or arrived bookings we have had this year?
How can I see all of the canceled, no-shows, or arrived bookings we have had this year?

Learn how to access all of your bookings for the desired time frame.

Updated over a week ago

From your account in Partner, you will be able to access all data about canceled/no-shows/arrived bookings you have had this year. Here is how to do it:

1. From your Dashboard, click the menu icon located in the left upper corner. All the options from the menu are going to show on the screen. Click on GUESTBOOK.

2. A new page will open up, click on the BOOKINGS tap located right in the center of the top bar.

3. A new page will open. From here you can select:

  • the type of experience: from the drop-down menu you can choose the type of booking you want to see, such as Cancelled, No Show, Arrived or Gift Card.

  • the time frame of the bookings you would like to see: in the right corner you can select the period of time you want this data from.

  • download as CSV: from this button can save the desired data as CSV file.

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