Sales reports

Discover how to access and download sales reports, end-of-day reports, and tip reports.

Updated over a week ago

In this article:


1. From the POS back office, go to SALES.

2. Tap EOD. You can download a PDF or a CSV file of the desired EOD report by clicking CSV or PDF.


1. From the POS back office, go to SALES.

2. Tap SALES REPORT. From here, you can download different sales reports.

If you want to download the report from a specific shop, press the DOWNLOAD button to the right of the shop and select the type of report you want.

If you have multiple shops and want to download one report for all shops, press DOWNLOAD ALL SHOPS and select the type of report you want.


1. From the POS back office, go to SALES.

2. Tap SALES REPORT. From here, press DOWNLOAD and then TIPS REPORT and the desired file type.

If you don't see the TIPS REPORT CSV or TIPS REPORT PDF option in the drop-down list, contact our support team and we'll enable this feature for you.

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