It can be tough to upload the same product x 300 times and for that reason, we made a bulk import tool. The process is manual but allows you to quickly get your products uploaded.Here are the steps you need to follow:
Download a copy of this sheet.
2. Fill in the sheet, column details are as follows:
product_id = optional
product_name = required
variant_id = optional
variant_name = optional
sku = optional
description = optional
cost_price = required, cannot be 0, should be expressed in cents eg. 1 euro should be 100.
retail_price = required, cannot be 0, should be expressed in cents eg. 1 euro should be 100.
category_id = optional
category_name = optional
3. Once you have filled out the sheet, send it to or your contact person at Superb and we will make sure to upload it and confirm back.